Max Slevogt
Kuschelnde Katzen
Properties and condition
Größe: 38 × 50 cm (H×W)
Hans Jürgen Imiela “Max Slevogt”, G Brauch/Karlsruhe, 1968
Katalog “Max Slevogt”, Landesmuseum Mainz, Hatje Verlag, 1992
Die Authentizität der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde von Bernhard Geil schriftlich bestätigt, dem ich, Ron Krausz, für die freundliche wissenschaftliche Beratung danke.
About the artist
Max Slevogt (1868-1932) was a prominent German painter and illustrator, associated with the Impressionist movement. Born in Landshut, Bavaria, Slevogt showed an early interest in art and studied at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts. He further honed his skills in Paris, where he was influenced by the works of French Impressionists.